Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bouncy Flying Robot Carrying Keys


  1. I was gonna take this one too but I still have no idea how to render metal nicely.

    What app do you use to paint?

  2. Duy3 still use gimp gonna check out krita though.

    Metal cylinder is good to draw first, look at how there's more than one bright vertical line on a real cylinder.

    We need to speed draw a metal spring. That thing was hard.

  3. I believe it is ;) Yeah that chrome thing that 3d renderers do so good is not very easy to paint. At least I still haven't found proper method for me. Same goes for ocean/sea paint and such.


    Its because of reflections. We should sdc a mirror ball first maybe?

  4. Highlights are a very important part of both chrome/metal and ocean/sea
